Archiwum październik 2003

paź 27 2003 new
Komentarze: 1

Everybody wants to be rich, famous and beautiful. Nobody wants to be old, unknown and poor. What can I say about myself ? My career? I want to be a good human being - Joke! - I want to have a car, a house, a lot of cash -naaah...I have it all - Sometimes what I want is LOVE - now I’m joking again - you knew it, right? As for the future - I see more than enough time for philosophy and solitude. I want to pass the entrance exams to Medical Academy...or whatever - Sometimes I feel good when people tell me ”You are such a carl”. ”I’m loving it!” – but ”loving” not like in that McDonald’s advertisement. I know that to survive in the adult world I have to be a strong, creative conformist. And I love to see people’s ideals die. When a shadow of death comes to you - I want to be the shadow of death. I want to be the essence of the greatest evil on earth. You like me now? It’s false!

Now, where do you see me in the future? Would I fit in politics? In medicine? I want to be the shadow of death. Can you help me? - I don’t know...I used to be a shining star, but now I am just Adam. I was in a dream river but now I’m reborn. See you at the crossroad. Bone, bone, bone ... and dice were thrown! ... Bye!

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paź 27 2003 oral exercises
Komentarze: 1

frajer - dalej zwany adamem - to dzisiaj uslyszalem od swojego autorytetu - przykre - nie tlumaczy tego nawet zartobliwy kontekst ehhh

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paź 26 2003 Bez tytułu
Komentarze: 0
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paź 25 2003 english version
Komentarze: 0

 adam dzisiaj wstal rano - potem napisal test a teraz idzie sie kapac i idzie na impreze - zyczcie mu szczescia                                 adam dzisiaj wstal rano - potem napisal test a teraz idzie sie kapac i idzie na impreze - zyczcie mu szczescia

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paź 25 2003 1.11.03
Komentarze: 2

Odeszly gwaizdy, plomienie - chwile wadliwe

skonczyly sie gwarancje na mechanizmy ruchome

zabrali skrzydla pusci troglodyci

poszli wytrwale za kraj za mysl

zgineli parszywie - i on i ona

w gore serca

wznosimy je panie

ploncie serca

wyzej ponad oswiecimski

wzbijcie sie komin

ku pokrzepieniu serc <na zaduszki 1.11.03>

prezess : :